用于map包装的O2-和O2/ co2 -气体分析仪无绳手持氧气或氧气和二氧化碳组合分析仪,用于检查食品包装中的改性大气。在包装机、商店或实验室进行便携、快速和准确的样品测试的理想仪器。OXYBABY®可快速轻松地提供现代技术的所有优点。例如:用于无线通信的蓝牙和集成条形码阅读器。确保包装产品的质量保持(HACCP),从而保证持续的客户满意度。样品测试的理想仪器,具有最小的样品气体要求,允许测试最小的改性大气包(MAP)。通过压力指示显示包装内的压力信息。与独家obcc -软件一起,测量结果可以记录,提供完整的可追溯性(HACCP)。好处:最小样品气体要求最小包装集成数据日志的最近500次测量产品管理多达25个用户, 100 product names and 50 packaging lines alternatively a pressure indication can be selected cordless operation using rechargeable batteries data transfer and charge of batteries via USB port faster workflow enabled by an optional integrated bar code scanner for product data sample flow control with warning in case of blocked needle upgraded simple one-handed operation measurement alternatively also by hose easy to clean large illuminated graphic display integrated needle cover to protect the needle and user long lifetime of O2 sensor (approx. 2 years)