1.-大液晶屏显示,数字显示分辨率0.01℃。带排水阀。如客户需要,可提供脚轮。2.-最新专用软件,自主研发温度控制技术,配备高性能温度传感器,原装进口电子元器件等-低软件系统方便根据温度和实际温度的误差进行校正,温度校正分辨率高达0.01℃,温度显示准确。4.-温度保护,超温报警,可设定报警温度,超温时可自动切断负载。5. - Strong temperature stability, PID can automatically setting optimal parameters according to the different media, special user can manual reset parameters. 6. - Using software lock control system, to avoid irrelevant personnel mistake operate, guarantees the process of the experimental data is correct. 7. - Optional RS232 or RS485 communication interface for remote control. 8. - Accurate temperature control, keep the tank working temperature stable. Press the "power" key to switch off all the instrument functions. Cooling system: Efficient and fully enclosed compressor refrigeration, cooling fast, have multiple protection such as overheating and over current. Circulatory system: Advanced inner circulatory and outer circulatory system, inner circulatory keep temperature stability and outer circulation pump output 6L/min, 13L/min Flow rate constant temperature liquid to establish closed to the second temperature field, also can be used as cold source to cooling container closed to equipment.