工艺罐可以从500升至15.000升的能力下制造。所有储罐均以闭合式底座制造。最重要的元素是搅动和凝乳奶酪破裂系统。因为这些要素直接影响系统生产率。搅拌器和凝乳奶酪破碎机在这两种方面都可以工作。(有两个断路器系统)。每个断裂系统的一侧都得到锐化。因此,它可以轻轻切开凝乳奶酪,而不会造成其质地。另一侧是由移动托盘进行搅拌的。断路器还原器的工作双向并以期望的速度工作。 Control system in tanks can only temperature check or offers an operation with receipt using PLC, if desired. And automatic water inlet system can be applied to tank. On tanks, a lift is placed at back of tanks to prevent leaving product inside the tank after evacuation of product. Additionaly, special valves are placed on outlet of tanks to ensure a comfort and clean evacuation. Tanks Works pneumatic based.