机械铰链紧固ERO接头®v带(PU, PE)可选ERO接头®聚氨酯和聚酯型材17x11。这个总成是用螺丝拧成的。横螺钉是关节的轴线;这是嵌入在皮带材料中的机械铰链的轴。这一轴大大增加了机械关节的灵活性,并能够在更小的滑轮直径上使用皮带。其他类型的机械连接是可能的,目前正在改进。聚氨酯v带ERO接头®适用于电力传输或运输。在所有情况下,机械紧固系统ERO Joint®连接到嵌入皮带的牵引绳,以提供所需的机械阻力。(ERO关节®也可在皮带没有牵引绳)。在这种情况下,添加一个牵引元件以确保机械铰链接头的机械阻力。 Anyway using ERO Joint® V-belts ensure you a complete freedom and a high-flexibility: no specific tool, no splicing and welding procedure to respect, no deburring, no risk to miss the welding. ERO Joint® trapezoidal belts are easy to assemble. ADVANTAGES Advantages are a fast and easy installation and assembly. With this new solution of mechanical hinge joint system, you will save time and optimize your production downtime by reducing the repair time. There is no other mechanical hinge joint system in trapezoidal belts. Mechanical fastening systems ERO Joint® are lasting solutions. The ERO Joint® V-belts are spliced in our production using a patented process and fitted with the length requested.