Maxshine 1.5L泵泡沫喷雾器,用于汽车的手动泡沫喷雾器,用于详细说明家庭清洁和花园使用手持式泵喷雾器,用于汽车护理,家用和工业清洁液洗衣机或需要泡沫大炮所需的ProtableDesign,可以将清洁并维护提供清洁轮,外部,内饰和面料的供应解决方案。Alsofefeqrepeprepeply在家里,花园和飞行中使用1.检查喷雾器的每个组件,以确保其牢固地固定。2.填充大约32盎司的水,然后加入肥皂。(2-3盎司)3。牢固地固定泵并摇动以混合溶液。4.用30-40个泵的压力净化器。5.将泡沫放在泡沫上!注意1.要正确使用此产品,请仔细阅读并关注这些产品。2.不要滥用此产品。3.将Donot Spray Plipe Pripe朝向电气组件。 MaxShine is committed to manufacturing the qualified car care products to delight car care perfectionists around the world with a full selection of Dual Action Polisher, Plate Backing Pad, Foam Backing Pad, Orange Peel Pad, Microfiber Towel, Wool Polishing Pad, Wool Wash Mitt, Microfiber Wash Mitt, Microfiber DA Pad, Foam Applicator, Detailing Tool Bag, Detailing Clay, Detailing Accessories. It is only when our products meet your high standard that we put them on our online shop. When obvious quality imperfections become truth, return or refund is our duty