The Labfacility L300 Pt100 temperature alarm/ on-off controller is utilized as a part of conjunction with a PC and gives accurate monitoring and alarm of up to 8- zones at the same time. It can additionally be utilized as a stand-alone instrument without the requirement for a PC. The software that is supplied with the instrument permits control, measurement, configuration, logging, charting. It relays the configuration and calibration capacities with the help of a PC. The inbuilt facility for the thermocouple version is a quick and advantageous method for calibration on-site. It does not require any extra devices other than an external link. Pt100 has self-calibration that is very simple and utilizes plug-in precision. The advantages are - low cost performance, USB PC interface, 8 Pt100 (3 wire) inputs, built-in display for selecting channels or auto-scrolling of all channels, resolution of 0.1°c on showcase, 0.01°c in programming, self-alignment etc.