在大多数情况下,使用工业机器人进行自动码垛是最智能的解决方案。它比旧的笛卡尔系统提供了许多优势,但这些是最明显的。1.-Flexibility. A programmable robot is able to depalletize a wide variety of box sizes and anti-slip cardboard using the same tool, but if necessary, you can opt for an automatic gripper changer that extends its functionality. 2.- Maintenance and service life. Cartesian systems are composed of linear axis and complex elements such as gears, pneumatic cylinders which maintenance is much more complicated than the one of an industrial robot. The robots that we integrate are always top brands whose reliability is enormously superior to cartesian depalletizing systems since they are machines produced in series and globally tested. We have carried out depalletizing projects of multiproduct boxes and trays, as well as the depalletizing of different metallic containers in beginning lines in the food sector.