Movicon。接下来™4.1是新的工业软件平台,提供最具创新和灵活的软件窗口/ Linux人机界面技术项目,对于SCADA监控系统,高效的MES分析解决方案,4.0产业至关重要。给自动化工程师更容易访问模块化解决方案监督,控制,控制,历史学家,植物分析和工业分析。Movicon。下一个™项目被设计来克服传统的SCADA /人机界面技术的有限使用。基于现代技术解决方案创新,Movicon。接下来™创建长期投资的基础,而不需要妥协。Movicon.NExT™offers incredible openness and integration with the world of automation. Openness Based on the concepts of “Plug-In”, it allows maximum interoperability with the system, so much so that it can integrate new functional modules into the Emerson Framework, fully customizing its own .NET solutions. Scalability Designed to ensure maximum scalability, and allows you to use a single configuration environment for modular solutions in a simple and flexible way. Fast Engineering Faster development times aided by powerful wizards, symbol libraries and toolboxes. Conforms to standards The Movicon.NExT™ software technology conforms to standards for its openness and reliability. Maximum Security Security is ensured while managing data between Server and Client and in the User and Password management by using various authentication models. Connectivity Movicon.NExT™ is based on the OPC UA technology to ensure maximum native connectivity to any OPC UA-based device or application to offer unmatched safety and performance