技术特点:温度限制:流体从-15°C到+90°C气体从-15°C到+ 60°C (FF)压力限制:流体10巴(20°C)气体:MOP5 (FF)具体特点:•空间球阀集成了一个“L”歧管和一个球阀在一个项目。正面专利t型手柄:操作方便。角阀:快速,低成本组装。紧凑的系统:允许歧管集在接近和使用紧凑的内置盒子。生:完整。阀杆:防吹出。阀座:高阻力聚四氟乙烯。上密封:3个密封1个聚四氟乙烯环-高压2个o形环-低压。应用领域:SPACE球阀推荐用于加热装置和歧管组。尺寸:1/2 " - 3/4 " - 1 " - 1 " 1/4。 Threaded end connections: • Standard female according to UNI ISO 228/1. • Nut and tail (metallic seat + O-ring). Operation devices: Red, blue, yellow and black aluminium T-handle. The direction of the flow can be detected by the marking on the position indicator. All the valves comply with the regulation 97/23/CE and are tested 100% on pneumatic seal with electronic control.