与上松紧扣Blucher-style教练。技术织物切割D 'COVER®干燥、垫纺织内衬D 'DRY®,脚踝垫衣领,防止摩擦。直接上圆润的脚趾。计数器难以脚跟。纺织鞋垫垫在加热成形聚氨酯泡沫抗菌治疗和活性炭。D 'LIGHT®复合鞋底、超轻、舒适、灵活和防滑的,用平垫设计,锋利的边缘和宽槽,帮助摆脱液体。机可洗的40º。规定en iso - 20347。问题425/2016。安全级别SRC + O1群+ FO。 ANTIbacterial ISO 16187. SRC = (SRA+SRB) nonslip on tiled surface with detergent and water as a lubricant +nonslip on steel with glycerin as a lubricant. O1 = closed back, antistatic, energy absorbing heel, sole with ridges. FO = oil resistance of the sole. Characteristics Upper: Breathable mesh D’COVER DRY® Interior sole: Fabric D’DRY® over polyurethane foam Sole: D’LIGHT® (EVA based compound) Sizes: 35-46