农业机械的引擎。水冷,V版本(90°)6缸发动机,带有涡轮增压和充电空气冷却。发动机和排气后处理(EAT)可针对最高系统效率进行优化,从而确保燃料和总运营成本最小化。多亏了SCR技术,与3层发动机相比,无需扩大凉爽的尺寸。燃料消耗减少。废气后处理系统不含维护。发动机的一致安装和连接尺寸有助于将现有安装转换为排放立法的下一阶段。飞轮和前端的100%功率起飞,最多可达三个PTO驱动器,总扭矩高达520 nm。该发动机具有模块化排气后处理系统(EAT),该系统带有来自Dvert®套件的组件和可选配置变体。这意味着OEM的机器集成具有很高的灵活性。 The extremely compact engine design and customer friendly accesoires reduce the installation costs and increase the number of applications. The engine is also available as a flat version for extremely compact installations. The powerful Common Rail injection system and the electronic engine control (EMR 4) with intelligent link to the drive management ensure optimum engine performance at low fuel consump-tion. Best cold starting performance even under extreme conditions. The engine meets the requirements of the EU Stage IIIB & IV and US EPA Tier 4 interim & Tier 4 with SCR. A variant without EAT is available as an option for less regulated markets.