本产品为BTO工控机,采用Intel C246芯片组,用于服务器工作站。它可以配备英特尔至强E 2200系列或第九代英特尔酷睿处理器,最多64gb的ECC内存,最多4个热插拔硬件RAID配置,等等。1.高性能FA计算机与至强处理器兼容兼容英特尔®至强®E-2200处理器或第九代英特尔®酷睿®处理器。最多可安装64GB ECC内存。适用于交通运输/社会基础设施/医疗设备/安防/娱乐等需要先进多重处理的领域。2.基于24小时运行的高可靠性和长寿命组件,VPC-5000-G是为高可靠性和高寿命而设计的,采用了Box计算机的专有技术,这是内置pc的代名词,适用于各种地方。支持热插拔的硬件RAID配置允许用户在系统正常运行时更换存储设备。在需要高可用性的系统中,可以放心地使用它。 3. Support Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC and Windows Server IoT(*1) The LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel) version of Windows is installed to discourage unnecessary restarts or unwanted feature updates for operational applications. The product has a lockdown function that is useful for the developing secure dedicated terminals. A user can select a language from English, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean in Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC, and can decide to use Windows Server IoT 2019 (*1), which is suitable for edge servers that require server-class multiple processing and network performance. (*1 Coming soon)