1 -加速器加速器杆配有安全开关,防止意外操作。2 -离心离合器配备离心离合器;随着发动机以“滴答”的速度运转,钻头静止不动。加速器控制钻头的旋转。3 -操作手柄手柄可旋转90°,方便操作。4 -应急杠杆用于立即释放钻头的应急杠杆。5 -减震器在传动轴和主轴之间安装减震器,减少机器振动传递给操作员。6 -提手提手也用于将钻床定位到CS-SD小车上。7 -深度表深度表; easy to operate using the graduated scale, for adjusting the depth of drilled hole. 8 - MND spindle MND spindle, for automatically securing drill bits, with a 14 mm diameter shank. 9 - MND1 interchangeable spindle MND1 interchangeable spindle: Available as an optional accessory. For automatically securing drill bits, with a 16 mm diameter shank.