快速变温试验箱用于测试各种材料的热、冷、干、湿的耐受性。适用于各类电子产品、电器、通信、仪器、汽车、塑料、金属、食品、化工、建材、医疗和航空航天等行业产品的质量检验。样品架,两层RS-232或RS-485通信。外形优美,机身圆形,表面有雾条处理。操作方便,安全可靠。2.矩形双窗格观察窗,用于观察被测样品。双层保温密闭门,有效隔绝内部温度。4.外接式给水系统,方便加湿锅加水,可自动回收。 5. French Tecumseh is used as compressor, with environment friendly refrigeration R23,R404A 6. LCD display screen is used for the control unit, capable of displaying set point and actual point at the same time 7. The control unit has the functions of multiples segment program editing 8. Quick or ramp rates control of temperature and humidity. 9. Casters are provided for ease of mobility, with strong positioning screws.