两个流总数一个!AALBORG®的TIO Totalizer通过RS 232或485卢比的接口(多功能容量高达64个设备)将模拟质量流量计和控制器转换为精确数字单元。该产品可用作AALBORG®的GFM流量计的监视器,也可以用作具有GFCS的控制器。它也可以与具有0-5VDC/4-20MA输入和输出的任何第三方设备一起使用。本地或可编程的设定点控件不需要主机PC存在。TIO的紧凑型尺寸专为墙壁,面板,场或单元安装应用而设计。通过简单地拧开单元D-Connector并连接TIO,它可以轻松地安装在GFM或GFC上。安装套件中提供了支架和螺钉。AALBORG®将TIO输入和输出信号配置为您的特定应用程序。更改可以通过用户友好的菜单轻松进行。 All process configuration parameters settings are password protected to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes. This model is equipped with two programmable optically-isolated digital outputs and a user-programmable optically-isolated pulse output with preset active low time interval. The two fully independent programmable Totalizers allow up to 9 digit total readings. Both Totalizers are updated every 100 ms and can be set to activate different events. The main Totalizer's accumulated total is backed up every second with EEPROM memory. Design Features Include: -Batch control (Lifetime and Specific Event Totals). -Free Configuration and Monitoring Utility software. -Displays instantaneous, total, and accumulated flow rates