Blue HIPS filaments

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3D printer HIPS filaments
3D printer HIPS filaments

Net weight: 1 kg

... strict to produce the best grade qualityfilaments, never use reclaimed materials We insist producing with 100% imported pure raw materials, to keep the consistant premium printing We promise all thefilaments...

3D printer HIPS filaments
3D printer HIPS filaments

Net weight: 1 kg

Our low-glossHIPS(High Impact Polystyrene) 3D printingfilamentis very easy to print with and allows you to print technical looking parts with a low-gloss matte finish.HIPSis in ...

3D printer HIPS filaments
3D printer HIPS filaments

Net weight: 0.7 kg

FiloAlfaHIPSis an easy to print High Impact Polystyrenefilamentdedicated to various applications. It is suitable for very detailed and/or large prints, due to its very limited deformation. In addition, ...

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